

-(中文版本往下滑!) 2 new bags add in my closet! Love that they are both lightweight! The bucket Bag is available in four colors: coffee, brown, black, and white. I chose the deep brown one! When I received it, I was pleasantly surprised by how soft it felt when I picked it up! I originally thought it would be made of a stiff material, but it actually maintains a certain softness while still having some structure. There are simple black and white options of this Tote, but I deliberately chose the eye-catching silver one! I like that the handles are long enough that they don’t feel tight under my arms, even when wearing loose-sleeved clothes! What bags do you use often? Lmk in the comments down below:) Details 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #ootd_da 在桃園走走晃晃! 📍大湳森林公園、八塊厝民俗藝術村 公園很大~很好晃! 假日可以看到很多小朋友還有狗狗🐶 藝術村就在裡面~當天人太多了沒有進去! 外面拍拍照📷而已! 兩套不同包包的穿搭! #水桶包 有咖棕黑白四個顏色 我選了深的棕色! 收到之後超級驚喜又喜歡的部分是拿起來很軟! 原先以為會是很硬的材質 但實際上是在有挺度的情況下又保有一定的柔軟度 實用的包型! 銀色#托特包 有簡單的黑白款但刻意選了搶眼的銀! 口很大可以塞不少東西! 我喜歡它的提袋是足夠長度腋下不會很緊 就算穿袖子寬鬆的衣服也沒問題! 兩個包款都很輕~不會提一整天超重 前幾天在街上有看到別人背這個! 現在正流行! @charmante.selection 有很多包包、飾品 也不定期有鞋子跟特別的服裝款式 推薦大家可以去看看👀 細節照片👉👉👉 謝謝 charmente! 歡迎跟我分享你們! 祝你們有美好的一天🥰 #6月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-06-04,更新於 2024-06-04