

-(中文版本往下滑!) Sometimes I face the dilemma of wanting to wear makeup when dealing with acne, yet worrying about exacerbating inflammation. I heard of a concealer that is specially made for acne area, thus I tried it for some time and is sharing my thoughts on it with you guys today! The product is called “Acne Clearing Cream.” There’s only one shade available, suitable for natural to fair skin tones! It matches my skin tone perfectly. Upon opening, the refreshing scent of tea tree and mint fills the air. A little goes a long way. Throughout the day, when applied to my inflamed acne, I noticed that the acne matured faster! Knowing it’s formulated specifically for acne, I feel more confident using it. I also tried their “Acne Spot Treatment Essence” this time. The texture of this essence is extremely liquid. Since it contains acids, it’s important to follow up with moisturizer for hydration! Applying it on 👉👉👉 What acne products do you enjoy? Lmk! Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - 大家會看居妮頻道裡面的美妝保母嗎? 我被寇瑞分享的Tinaya 緹娜亞痘痘遮瑕膏燒到🔥 大家應該都有長痘痘時要化妝 又擔心會讓痘痘更發炎的困擾吧~ 今天就來跟大家分享我的心得💕 品項名稱是「淨膚痘霜」 比較可惜色號只有一個顏色 適合自然偏白的皮膚!跟我的膚色很搭 打開茶樹跟薄荷涼涼的味道撲鼻而來 用量真的只要一咪咪! 這一罐可以跟姐妹分享😆 遮蓋力很好質地摸起來很水潤 後續我也會再用粉類定妝 實際使用在我的腫痘痘上整天下來 痘痘成熟的速度有變快! 成分特別給痘痘使用就比較不擔心~ 這次還有嘗試他們家的「粉刺痘痘精華液」 兩個加起來是明星組合商品~ 這款質地超級液態流動性超高! 看照片應該也看得出來😆 我在睡前用在粉刺或小痘上 隔天起來皮膚真的會比較光滑 含有酸類所以還是要加強保濕! 手部刷色跟臉上實擦👉👉👉 歡迎跟我分享你們近期被燒到的產品是什麼?👀 謝謝 @tinaya_2021 ! 祝你們有美好的一天🥰 #4月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-04-12,更新於 2024-04-12