

-(中文版本往下滑!) Sharing some first impressions of @guerlain parure gold skin control series! I love this brand a lot for their scent and the products. Let’s dive into it! ✔️High perfection matte compact foundation 0.5N This shade is super light. It blurs out the pores super well. If I apply a thin layer of it, the shade is near transparent. I love the guerlain scent! ✔️Matte Foundation 1N Though there’s only 0.5 shade darker than the powder, it oxidizes to a much more deeper shade with a pink undertone. Even though it’s called a matte foundation, I have to set it up with powder to avoid tackiness. ✔️Radiance booster perfection primer A little goes a long way. Leaves a tacky affect to stick to the foundation that will be applied later. Swatches 👉👉👉 What guerlain products do you enjoy? Lmk! Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - GUERLAIN 嬌蘭的一些#底妝 產品分享~ ✔️24K純金持妝無瑕輕潤粉餅0.5N 這個顏色厚塗的話適合白雪公主 帶有一點點珠光 但如果推開的話其實接近透明 有貴婦香味 毛孔修飾的能力不錯 ✔️24K純金持久無瑕粉底1N 顏色對我來說太深而且會氧化 色調上帶有粉膚色不適合黃肌~ 很神奇色號跟粉餅只差半號 但是不同產品顏色差這麼多! 有3小時爆汗實測還是維持的很霧面 其他沒上妝的地方都有油光跟汗水 如果是爆汗油肌的話可以去試試 這款雖然是粉霧但還是要定妝 不然摸起來還是會有一點黏 ✔️24K純金保濕持妝凝露 是有金箔的保濕凝露 透明帶有粉金的質地 延展力很好吸收速度蠻快的 會剩下金箔在表面 吸收完會有一點點的粘膩感 可以幫助後續底妝更貼合 手部刷色👉👉👉 歡迎跟我分享你們近期喜歡的底妝產品是什麼?👀 祝你們有美好的一天🥰 #4月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-04-08,更新於 2024-04-08