

-(中文版本往下滑!) @goodcirclecoffee is a menu-less coffee shop next to Donghai University. The minimum order is one drink, which includes coffee, tea, and caffeine-free beverages. I particularly recommend their homemade strawberry wine and plum wine, super sweet and tasty! 😋 The strawberry wine is sweeter and slightly higher in alcohol content compared to the plum wine. As for desserts, they vary each day. I ordered hand-brewed light roast coffee, iced lattes, and cinnamon rolls. Do you like cinnamon rolls? Lmk in the comments down below:) Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #東海大學 旁邊巷子裡的 #木和咖啡#無菜單 #咖啡廳 低消一杯飲品 有「咖啡、茶、無咖啡因飲品」三種 老闆會來介紹 特別推薦「自釀#草莓酒 」跟「#梅酒#螞蟻人 一定會喜歡😍 一杯$200 以酒來說不加冰🧊很大一杯! 草莓酒比梅酒更甜酒精濃度也更高一點 份量高度看草莓酒的高度~ 梅酒已經兑水了所以看起來比較多🤣 甜點部分也是不固定的品項 今天還有點#手沖 #淺培#冰拿鐵#肉桂捲 不吃肉桂捲派無法分享這部分🥹 歡迎跟我分享你們吃肉桂捲嗎? 祝你們有美好的一天🥰 #4月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-04-08,更新於 2024-04-08