

-(中文版本往下滑!) I once bought an at-home waxing kit for personal use, but eventually gave up on it. I may not have been using it correctly, thus finding it somewhat challenging and with average results. Recently, I had my first experience getting a professional waxing treatment, and it was a completely different experience compared to doing it myself. The results were excellent, and the pain was surprisingly low. Overall, it was a very positive experience. I particularly enjoyed the smooth and clean feeling on my arms and legs after the hair removal. Have you ever tried waxing before? Lmk in the comments down below:) How the studio looks like 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🥰 - 成為精緻妹子的路上 有乾淨的手腳是必須的! 記得之前看節目日本女生會特別注重毛髮的部分 手指上的毛髮都不會放過 本身是毛髮比較多的女生 這次來 @jwaaaxing_ 位於西門町的工作室體驗熱蠟除毛 就在四號出口走路5分鐘就到的地方! 超方便~ 痛感真的比預期中低超級多! 比被橡皮筋彈到還不痛 跟Jess邊聊天邊除時間真的一下就過了! 除全手臂跟小腿大概花1.5小時 除完乾淨溜溜的樣子真的很喜歡💕 J’s Waxing的價格都很公開透明也很親民 現在還有兩人同行打9折的活動!(~6/30) 有興趣的朋朋可以去看看👀 另外在新北市八里也有工作室哦~ 你們在意身體上的毛髮嗎? 歡迎留言跟我分享~ 西門工作室的照片👉👉👉 謝謝 J’s Waxing! #3月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-03-13,更新於 2024-03-13