
daisy doll光澤蜜粉全三色分享

-(中文版本往下滑!) @daisydoll.jp is a Japanese drugstore brand by @maryquant_official . I’m sharing all 3 shades of their loose powder for today! Included with a fluffy powder puff that can accommodate two fingers in. ✔️01 (Translucent Shade) The base color is white to transparent with fine shimmer. ✔️02 (Sparkling Glossy Shade) It can be used directly as a highlighter 🤣. The shimmer is in individual specks. The glitters have a faint silver-white base color. It's perfect for placing on the bridge of the nose! Even after a whole day of wearing a mask and enduring high temperatures, the brightness still stays! I find the longevity to be quite good. ✔️03 (Soft Matte Shade) The base color is skin-toned with fine shimmer. When the three shades are lined up together, this color appears dark, but it is actually suitable for light skin tones! This kind of shimmery powder reminds me of high-end brand powders! Swatches 👉👉👉 Do you use glossy powders? Lmk! Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - 大家知道日本開架彩妝品牌DAISY DOLL 是Mary Quant(瑪莉官)的副牌嗎~ 今天是 絲絨透亮蜜粉 全3色分享💗 內附蓬鬆的粉撲可以容納兩隻手指的大小 蜜粉是用篩網的設計更方便取用 比起要倒出來的蜜粉我更喜歡篩網類型的 沾取更均勻用量上也更好控制 平時擺放還是建議平放! ✔️01(通透自然色) 底色是白色透明帶有細碎的閃 我有用閃光燈拍照試了一下三個顏色都通過✅ 只會保留閃度不會有白白的反光~ ✔️02(閃耀光澤色) 裡面超級爆炸閃的顏色! 可以直接當打亮使用🤣 是一顆一顆的閃度不是一整片的金屬光 打亮同時兼顧定妝也挺不錯的💗 亮片是帶有很淡的銀白底色 很適合放在鼻頭的位置! 一整天下來經過口罩跟高溫亮度都還在! 持久度我覺得很不錯~ ✔️03(輕霧面色) 底色是膚色帶有細碎的閃 三個色號排列在一起時這個顏色看起來很深 不過實際上也是淺膚色適用! 對這種會亮亮的蜜粉有給我專櫃蜜粉的回憶! 至於在說哪個可以看之前空空賞的貼文~ 刷色影片👉👉👉 歡迎跟我分享你們會用光澤型蜜粉嗎?👀 祝你們有美好的一天🥰 謝謝 @daisydoll.tw 提供的產品! #daisydoll #黛西朵兒 #化粧崩れ #化粧崩れ防止 #プチプラコスメ #立体感 #透明感メイク #ツヤ肌#ツヤ肌メイク #ツヤ肌作り #デイジードール #アソビゴコロ #MARYQUANT #蜜粉 #POPO七月樂一夏

發布於 2023-07-13,更新於 2023-07-31