

-(#媽我終於當上蝦皮美妝特派員了) New sunscreen is coming up! @larocheposay anthelios UVmune fluide oil control SPF50+ for today! I’ve only used their tinted sunscreen before, and it was too sticky for me. Still I heard great things about this brand’s sunscreen, thus I’m excited to try out this one! It needs to be shaken before use. With a pleasant and long-lasting fragrance (what a surprise for me!). The texture is very fluid. Initially, when you start applying the milky white liquid, there may be small particles in it, but once it is spread out, it becomes completely transparent. The skin will have a slight glow and stickiness, which I can accept. It is also environmentally friendly for the ocean, making it a good choice for those who plan to play at the beach. I’m dry skin, yet this oil control sunscreen works well on my skin! Have you tried any of the brand’s sunscreen? Lmk in the comments down below:) Using it👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 💕 - 天氣炎熱之時就是#防曬 的季節☀️ 之前只用過#理膚寶水 的潤色防曬 這次嘗試新的#安得利控油防曬液 50ML 有滿滿期待! 是立可白式的防曬使用前會先搖一搖 味道很香而且香味蠻持久的 質地流動性很強 乳白色液狀剛開始推時會有小顆粒在裡面 不過塗抹開後是完全透明的 肌膚會有微微的光澤感和黏性 有首創UAMUNE 400專利科技 防曬程度更升級✨ #海洋友善 配方!去海邊玩耍的朋朋可以參考 防水效果算蠻不錯的~我有沖水測試 是#控油 防曬不過乾肌使用也沒問題! 你們有用過理膚寶水的防曬嗎?❤️ 歡迎你們跟我分享😆 後面有使用過程👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 @shopeebeauty_tw 提供產品! #蝦皮美妝 #蝦醬的美妝筆記 #蝦皮特派員 #理膚寶水x蝦醬的美妝筆記 #larocheposay #海洋友善防曬 #防曬乳 #防曬霜 #防曬推薦 #防曬產品 #蝦皮 #蝦皮購物 #sunscreeneveryday #sunscreenspf50 #sunscreenalways #sunscreenreview #sunscreencream #POPO七月樂一夏

發布於 2023-07-13,更新於 2023-07-25