
📍台北 Mugi 木屐 | CP值超高的日料

taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤😶 4/5 environment: 🌟🌟🌟🌟◾️ 4/5 — 👘 mugi is a japanese-western fusion bistro with high value for money! the restaurant is on the smaller side so remember to make a reservation before you go. we highly recommend their red shrimp sushi roll; the shrimp and uni were both so fresh and were absolutely delectable with the caviar! the mexican pork belly skewer was deliciously spicy and wasn’t overly greasy. everything else was exquisite and we can’t wait to revisit ☺️ 木屐是一家cp值滿高的日式混西式的餐酒館。店面滿小的,建議先訂位。推他們的赤蝦壽司卷,蝦子搭配海膽的組合非常綿密且新鮮,用魚子醬點綴,是味蕾的饗宴。墨西哥五花豬肉串辣的超級夠味,不油膩,超合我們的味口的!其他餐點也都非常精緻,已經期待下次再訪的機會了🤤 #POPO帶你吃好料 #台北美食 #東區美食 #台北日本料理 #日本料理

發布於 2021-12-28,更新於 2022-10-11