

#淡水景點 坐公車就能輕鬆抵達的地方 免門票,還能探訪附近其他景點 「多田榮吉故居」 就在淡水圖書館正對面 在這能看到淡水河與觀音山的景色 平日午後 能明顯感受到風吹過的自然寧靜氛圍 佔地雖然不大,還是值得來訪 一旁還能租借和服👘 更融入在日式建築環境內唷☺️ 📍多田榮吉故居 營業時間:9:30-17:00 🎫門票:免費參觀 地址:新北市淡水區馬偕街19號 🚌交通:淡水捷運站搭乘「紅26」至淡水圖書館站後,上階梯即可抵達 ⚠️此為市定古蹟,請善待環境 The place easily reachable by bus in Tamsui, with free admission and the opportunity to explore nearby attractions. ‘‘The Former Residence of Tamsui Township Head Tada Eikichi ‘’ is right across from the Tamsui Library, offering views of the Tamsui River and Guanyin Mountain. On weekday afternoons, you can experience a unique natural tranquility. Although not large in size, it‘s still worth a visit. You can also rent and wear a kimono here, blending even more into the Japanese architectural environment. ☺️ #淡水 #多田榮吉故居 #日式建築 #淡水打卡景點 #淡水河 #觀音山 #新北景點 #打卡景點 #tamsui #taipei #taiwantrip #tamsuitaiwan #taipeitravel #栗栗子玩淡水 #1月POPO創作者企劃

發布於 2024-01-22,更新於 2024-01-22