
📍台北 半路Halfway There

taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤 environment: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 — Our favourite bar to go! It’s located in a very convenient area, but the bar itself is hidden on the second floor. It’s a very quiet and exclusive place. Very suited for a chill night out with a couple of close friends The bartender is very nice. He was really easy to talk to and gave us free shots as we were about to leave. The drinks were very cute and aesthetic. There’s one that uses the concept of hotpot. The drink is vodka based and can be strong but It can also be shared between friends. 這是我們很喜歡去的一個酒吧!第一次去的時候找不到入口,他們店坐落在一間桌遊店的樓上。入口非常特別(圖三)很安靜,非常適合幾個朋友小聚。 調酒師人很好,跟我們聊天,最後還請我們喝好喝的柚子酒。吧台非常好看也很好拍,如果一兩個人而已也可以去坐。 調酒都很可愛,但有一個夢婆湯是用鍋子裝,非常特別。酒精濃度滿高的,但如果多一點人的話可以一起點來喝。 #POPO帶你吃好料 #調酒 #美食

發布於 2022-01-31,更新於 2022-10-11