
📍台北 明壽司

taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 5/5 environment: takeout — really good sushi from 明壽司! we ordered a set for two people that included little starters, sushi and chirashi. especially enjoyed the starters, they were all equally delicious. the ginger is also worth mentioning! it wasn’t too spicy or too vinegary — just right. we ordered this set two times because it was too good 😋 明壽司的外帶的雙人套餐很值得推薦!套餐裡面有前菜,握壽司跟散壽司😍食材都特別的新鮮,不會因為打包回家吃而不新鮮。小菜都很清爽又好吃,尤其是他們醃漬的姜,既不會辣,醋味也不會很重。目前日料便當最喜歡的一家!要訂也需要提早訂喔~ #POPO帶你吃好料 #台北美食 #美食

發布於 2022-01-31,更新於 2023-06-17