
📍台北 小隱茶庵 信義店

taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 5/5 environment: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5 — always love some salted eggs in our dishes! the minced pork and pickles are classic noodle toppings for a reason 😋 loved the chilli sauce used in the spicy tofu. the inside was soft and tender (and hot!) made us want to try their other side dishes! the handmade shrimp wontons were cooked just right and paired wonderfully with their homemade spicy sauce! jin xuan tea is also known as milk oolong! this light roast was a perfect companion for the dry mung bean cakes and peanut candy! the osmanthus rice cake had a fun fruity taste along with the soft fragrance of osmanthus flowers. the peanut candy was crispy, sugary, and peanut-y, while the mung bean cake was dry but melted in your mouth. highly recommend trying their sweets! 我們很喜歡以鹹蛋做為搭配的麵料理!除了鹹蛋之外,這碗《金沙瓜子肉燥麵麵》的配料可以說非常經典,肉燥跟醃黃瓜的組合,非常互補。 《麻辣油豆腐》煮的非常嫩,裡面熱呼呼的,讓我們超想再點其他小菜的。非常開胃的小菜😌 手工製作的《鮮蝦紅油抄手》果然最美味💘 鮮嫩的蝦子跟薄薄的外皮與麻辣醬汁一如既往的好吃! 《桂花糖糕》除了桂花甜甜的香味還帶有淡淡的果香,值得一試!🌸 #POPO帶你吃好料 #台北美食 #美食

發布於 2022-01-31,更新於 2022-10-11